
A Big Interview...for me, at least...

Went before an interview committee today. After 21 years in the classroom, teaching every possible grade/combination classroom, I'm ready for a new twist. I applied for a new position our district is opening...and I really do believe I'm overqualified.
One thing caught my attention...the interviews were scheduled to be conducted all day today. Classroom teachers, however, teach all day. I had to make some pretty interesting decisions in order to have time to "squeeze" in the interview during my "LUNCH Half-Hour." I made it. Dropped the class off in the cafeteria, ran to my car, sped across town to the district office (good thing I have a new, red, quick car), interviewed, the sped back to my room. A friend covered the class for the 10 minutes I was late. I've never done that before. I almost felt like I was in control of my life...

I really feel sorry for interviewees that must perform before a large interview committee. If I was younger and less experienced...and, if I didn't know the folks interviewing me today, I could have been quite intimidated by the panel of 8 professionals that were grilling me for information.

Think good thoughts.


Unknown said...

Hey congratultions BW!! When do you expect to hear anything? They'd be fools (fools I tells ya)if they didn't pick you : )

Vita said...

You were probably the smartest person in the room. Good thoughts for you....o...o....o...o....o