
On a bus with 135 kids...

Today is our 10 hour field trip to OMSI.



Screaming 4th and 5th graders.

A kid who actually ATE the "H" key off of one of our laptops yesterday.

Need I say more?


Unknown said...

I hope you had a good time today! Do you want to DDR later? It sounds like a good release to me : )

Vita said...

Do you get to see 3-D Omni-Max?

BoggyWoggy said...

We did the Omni-Max. It was a great Alps film. Issues: I was carsick from the bus ride up. One of my students with autism had some major issues during the film (we sat together...I love him!Truly. He'll be a kid I'll always miss). And he got motion sickness from the movie. We ended up leaving the film off-an-on...and there were many others who experienced the same issues! Life's funny...