
In the Garden...

Fall is coming on strong! While out wandering about the garden rooms, I found some little treasures I'd like to share! Here is the locally cultivated lily I'm planting on Sunday. It's called "Salmon Star." Right now, it's sitting by the front door so that we can enjoy its amazing scent!
The old table on the back patio...I've had this garden table for more than 15 years. Hubby wanted to "fix it up," and I had to explain, calmly, mind you, that it is exactly what I want it to be...
This beautiful planter has a history. I purchased it from a local artist. It is new, but it was cast in a found mold that was 150 years old. It's filled with mini-hyssop and cherrybelle campanula.
The tomatoes are bursting out! I picked more than 300 individuals on Tuesday!
A blurry view of my 75 gallon water garden. I bought this watering trough 7 years ago at a Philomath feed store. It's filled with mini-cattails, water iris, umbrella plant, and curly-rush. There is a 4-year-old goldfish in the tank who controls mosquitos. He is HUGE and very aggressive, killing any new fish I add to his territory.
The entry to our driveway.
My "Ma-maw Rose," I planted when my favorite grandmother died 2.5 years ago. She loved pink roses...and I loved her...
I'll be hacking down this volunteer Rudbekia (Black-Eyed Susan) on Sunday. It makes passing through this pathway almost impossible. I lassoed it up with some jute on Monday, as it had flopped over!


Anonymous said...

It's always such a pleasure to srtoll through your garden. i was going to say which was my favourite thing but they all are!!!
Thanks for the tour.
Sara from farmingfriends

Barb said...

I love these posts and I'm glad you keep up with them. :)