
Volunteerism at its Best!

It's Fall Clean-up Time Around the Old Farmstead!

Look what I found growing in the compost pile!!!

We ate Carnival Squash last Fall and threw our kitchen compost out into the big bin outdoors! The seeds germinated and now look what we got!

I could only get to 5 of them, so far, due to excessive vine growth all around the bins. There is a combination of honeysuckle, trumpet vine, clematis, scarlet runner, and beautiful squash vines!


Anonymous said...

Wow, nice volunteers. Our compost pile never grows anything but we did have some volunteer tomatoes this year.

Anonymous said...

What a great find. That's what I call recycling at it's best.
sara from farmingfriends

Vita said...

I've gotten volunteer pumpkins in our pile several times. At first I thought they were rolly polly zucchini. Now I wonder if the rolly polly zucchini I bought at the farmers market were just baby pumpkins.

BoggyWoggy said...

Heh, heh, heh...
Carnivorous Hippy thought carnival squash is something we ate at the fair!!

Unknown said...

yeah, yeah, yeah... it could be you know.

Unknown said...

yeah, yeah, yeah... it could be you know.