
A Series of Unfortunate Events...

Took 4 dogs to the Willamette River today, during the scorching heat of the late afternoon. Hubby and I had just returned from our 10th Wedding Anniversary celebration at the Coast. Good God! Just 10 miles inland and we began suffering! (Not really, we had the air conditioning on...)

While the teens attempted to walk across the entire river, which was actually pretty hilarious, considering they were barefoot and there are all small rocks on the river bottom, I played fetch with the dogs, Jim Dandy, Dood, Cooper, and Theo. While standing about mid-shin-deep, I heard a "plunk" in the water near my foot. I thought one of the teens had thrown a rock at me. When I looked down, there sat my camera on the river bottom.

Last year, at about this exact same time of year, at about this exact location, I dropped my phone in the river.


Barb said...

Happy (late) Anniversary!!!!

When I was married to my ex, we had a favorite river place to go to, similar to what you've described. The kids and dogs would play in the water all day!

I think next year you should maybe not take anything into the water with you! LOL!

Vita said...

Those little expensive electronic things are so slippery! At least your dogs and teens are OK. You had me worried, even though you provided a good clue with the picture. I lightly tapped a digital camera once, which skittered across the desk and onto the floor in a micro-second, and broke, costing hundreds to repair. Arrrgh!

Barb said...


I just tagged you! It's under Tagged - Twice! :)

BoggyWoggy said...

OH, Skittles. I'm so dumb with this stuff. What do I do with a tag? How do I find it? What is the meaning of life???

BoggyWoggy said...

Well, I sorta figured it out, but I'm too sleepy...tomorrow will be a new day!