
Your Opinions, Please...

I'm just curious about what folks think about this poster?


Anonymous said...

Well... I love it! It's about time people start realizing that they are a bit of a tard.
tardy tardy tard face.

Barb said...

It looks like it isn't a serious kind of thing.. but, I dunno... ?

No, I'm not magic, although my kids used to wonder how I knew what they were doing when I couldn't see them.

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Anonymous said...

No...your stupid : )

Anonymous said...

dang. YOU'RE stupid. Geez, you'd think if I were claiming someone was stupid, I'd at least spell correctly!

Vita said...

Oh, boy! A free test!

Unknown said...

You make me smile Vita!

BoggyWoggy said...

Hmmm...the anonymous comments must have come from the same IDIOT! I know who you are, Carnivorous Hippy.